Want to create a new digital product but find that there's just not enough hours in the day?
An Airtable digital product could be the perfect answer!
Quick to create and they sell like hotcakes!

Creating a new digital product might have been on your to-do list for a while now. You need something new to sell but...

  • Where will you find the time to create something from scratch?
  • Is your idea even something that someone needs or wants?
  • How can you make it look professional if design isn't your forte?!

What if I told you that you could create a professional looking product in a matter of a few hours, with zero design skills, that people would snap up in a heartbeat because it solved a very specific problem they had...

Database to Dollars
Learn to create & sell lucrative spreadsheets, databases and tool based digital products using the free tool Airtable 

Digital products don't need to be time consuming to make. You don't need a degree in design. And you don't have to start with an ebook (pssst, ebooks are over rated and rarely ever read!)

Instead why not create a tool based product that actually helps your audience solve a specific problem? 

Something that helps them reduce overwhelm - not add to it? 

Something that you can create (or repurpose) in a single afternoon?

Hi, I'm Leanne, the digital product strategist behind Database to Dollars.

Airtable products are one of my favourite ways to earn some quick cash and I currently sell 6 different products built in Airtable - from organisational tools to databases, decision calculators, roadmaps to survey templates!

I also use Airtable templates for other product bonuses and to grow my email list.

But why do I love Airtable products so much and why have I created so many?

1. They are so easy and fast to create. You can go from idea to income in a single day!

2. They reduce overwhelm for your audience - not add to it. This means that they sell like hot cakes! 

3. They make fantastic tripwires, bumps and upsells - I've tested them and they work better than anything else I've tried for one time offers! 

4. They are super popular inside bundles and giveaways resulting in more subscriber & more sales!

5. Airtable products work for all niches - I've had students who've had great success with everything from Disney to Christmas planners built in Airtable!

Here are just a few of the results I've had from Airtable products... 


A fast as a flash super low key $1.4K launch with a $9 offer built in a day

A tripwire offer that generates over $2 for every new email subscriber 

4379 new subscribers from contributing an Airtable product to a single giveaway 

$1801 extra revenue from a bundle contribution upsell

What's included inside Database to Dollars?

Learn to create sell an Airtable digital product in an afternoon 

Learn about all the types of product you can create and how you can adapt it to your niche. Then learn how to package, price and deliver your offer on autopilot

Learn how to use Airtable like an organisational pro!
New to Airtable? Let me show you how to get started with the Airtable crash course so that you'll be an Airtable digital  product wizz in no time at all
See behind-the-scenes of an Airtable product business
Want to see exactly how I deliver my Airtable digital products? Or see actual Airtable planners, databases, tools, calculators and templates I've sold? I'll give you a sneak peek in a BTS video! 
You can get all of this for just $9 today!

(For less than your lunch cost...)

Who is this training for?

This training is for any online business owners who want to sell digital products that help their audience plan, organise, brainstorm & track projects!

Airtable products work in ALL niches - including B2C! 

In fact, I personally went looking for an Airtable tool for pregnancy and wedding planning and couldn't find what I needed so had to build my own. The demand is there - someone just needs to create them! I would have happily paid for either of those tools created for me!

Why Airtable specifically?

You could take the theory from this course and apply it to creating digital products using other spreadsheet tools such as Google forms and sheets. However I highly recommend using Airtable because...

  • It is super easy to use. I've also got you covered with step-by-step instructions
  • It's easy to organise and you can filter your databases quickly to find the content you need. 
  • You have the option for people to upload attachments which is useful for headshots etc
  • You can view the same information in a variety of ways from spreadsheets to kanban boards to galleries to databases
  • It can send emails on your behalf by syncing with Gmail
  • It's FREE
  • And it's pretty! Which helps when creating gorgeous product mockups!

People LOVE Airtable products. Here's a little love I've received for mine..!
You've got questions and I've got answers...
  • $9 is an absurd price! Why so cheap?!
    You are right, I could charge a LOT more for this! It might be mini in price but not in terms of the potential it can unlock for your business and as such I could easily charge over $100.

    However I chose not to because I see this offer as a gateway into my world. An opportunity for people new to my brand to sample my courses risk free and see how much value they get so that they feel confident in knowing if I am someone they want to continue learning from.

    Will all my courses be $9?! Absolutely not! But you can enjoy this one for the price of a takeaway sandwich! You're welcome!
  • Will the course take me a long time to complete?
    Nope! I know you're busy! You can work through the lessons in around 30-60 minutes and set your Airtable product up the same afternoon!
  • Will this work for my niche?
    I can't think of any niche that wouldn't work for Airtable products and I've had students have great success selling digital products built on Airtable in all sorts of niches - from Christmas to Disney focussed businesses!
  • I'm new to Airtable - is this for me?
    Don't panic, firstly Airtable is SO easy to use. But I've also included a crash course in how to use Airtable so that you can get started creating products even faster!
  • Do you offer refunds?
    Unfortunately due to the digital nature of this product I am not able to offer refunds but feel free to reach out to me before you buy so I can help you decide if this course is a good fit for you!
  • Are these trainings accessible?
    Yes they are! The theory lessons are available in text format and the video lessons have optional subtitles.
  • Do you have an affiliate program?
    Yes, you can earn 30% with a 6 month cookie.
  • I still have questions
    No problem, just send your questions to leanne@passiveincomesuperstars.com and I'll answer them there!
Ready to create your first Airtable digital product in a single afternoon?
Get Database to Dollars for just $9
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Add The Testimonial Toolkit for just $9 today and you'll never need to awkwardly ask for praise for your products ever again!

Special one-time offer, only $19!

Grab this $9 course and learn how you can completely automate the process of gathering testimonials that will help you to sell your offers for you! 

 If you are creating digital products, you are going to need testimonials to help them sell!!

Bonus: You will also get to see an product built in Airtable in action

 Just tick the checkbox above to add this to your order for just $9!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xDatabase to Dollars$9

All prices in USD
